Your Hub for Applied Research 

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Applied Research for the Southern Ag Exchange Network is an interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers at universities and in cooperative extension services. The team offers a space for dialogue, for sharing and promoting our independent research projects, and for finding commonalities to support and expand research on farm stress.


The Farm Stress Brief Series  provides snapshots of research and programs in the region and nationally that focus on understanding and addressing farm stress. Scholars and practitioners can learn about proposing and submitting a brief for peer review and publication with the series.


Meet Our Participating Members

Information on this page can support you in locating a topic expert who can be contacted to answer questions, participate in interviews, and support ongoing research in the Southern Region.

Research & Evaluation

This page is designed to provide scholars, practitioners, and the general public access to instruments, data, and peer reviewed publications produced by participating members. 

SAgE Applied Research Webinar Series

The SAgE Applied Research Webinar Series brings in researchers, practitioners, and farmers to discuss topics that are important for understanding and addressing farm stress. Click here to propose a webinar topic for consideration in our series.

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Funding Acknowledgements: USDA-NIFA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Award # 2020-70028-32730

content links




Farmer Groups* 

Research Teams*

Trainings & Education*

*Pages coming soon

