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The BARN: Farm Dinner Theater is a unique program that uses drama to convey important messages to the community. The theme of the program focuses on mental health and well-being and the important role it plays within farm families and the community.

BARN and Farm Dinner Theater

On the Farm

Like many Americans, farmers are reluctant to acknowledge mental health issues, and they are unlikely to use resources that aren’t easily accessible to people living in rural areas.
Screenings of On the Farm can help change that. The film provides four compelling portraits of farmers who, in different ways, illustrate the stresses that weigh on America’s small family farmers.

On the Farm

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Funding Acknowledgements: USDA-NIFA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Award # 2020-70028-32730

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Farmer Groups* 

Research Teams*

Trainings & Education*

*Pages coming soon

